Mahabodhi Mahavidyalaya

Book & Chapters

Book & Chapters

YearTitle of the Book/Chapters PublishedTitle of the PaperName of the ConferenceNational / InternationalYear of PublicationISBN Number of the ProceedingsAffiliating Institution of Teacher at the Time of PublicationName of Publisher
2019Global Dimensions of Teacher Education (Book)Quality Enhancement in Teacher Education through Academic and Administrative AuditArmy Institute of Education, NoidaNational (ICSSR Sponsored)2019ISBN: 978-93-81234-57-7Mahabodhi MahavidyalayaAnkit Publications Model Town New Delhi
2022Epitome of Education: An Annual Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed JournalEducation for Sustainable Development in NEP 2020 in IndiaJournalNAAC Funded2022ISSN: 2581-4680Mahabodhi MahavidyalayaShiv College of Education
2023National Education Policy 2020: Transformation of Education System (Edited Book)National Education Policy: 2020 and its Implications for Digital EducationEdited BookNational2023ISBN: 978-93-93996-52-7Mahabodhi MahavidyalayaBlue Duck Publications Srinagar J&K
2023Ideal Research Review: A Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, Impact Factor: 8.61Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact in EducationIdeal Research Review: A Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal, Impact Factor: 8.61National2023ISSN: 0973-0583Mahabodhi MahavidyalayaBuddha Mission of India, Patna
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